USTA coaches point out that which style of play a player uses depends on his mastery of various tactical options. While there are multiple tactics to choose from in a single play, that is, to consolidate them through a lot of practice, only some tactics will work directly for you. So, be clear about your personal style of play when choosing the tactics that work best for you.
There are four basic types of play in tennis:
1. Bottom line defender
2. Baseline offensive player
3. Comprehensive players
4. Serve and Net Player
Typically, each play style of a player can be defined by the type of typical tactics it uses. For example, serve-to-net players are more focused on net play than bottom-line players, try to find the one that works for you from the table below:
The general player must master all 58 tactics and use the training methods described in the book to consolidate them. At the same time, comprehensive players should pay special attention to the use of midfield offensive tactics and front net tactics to score.
Don’t be defeated by the reality that “every play means using a lot of tactics”. Even at the highest level, players typically use only a few tactics that fit their physiology, hitting skills, and personality traits. They focus on playing tactical balls when they practice and aim to complete the practice successfully.